Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Trophy Triplets

     I met Jessica, Bethany, and Mina a.k.a. the trophy triplets at the gym during the winter. I had admired all of them while I worked out and had struck up conversations with each of them over the course of a few weeks. each of them is your stereotypical trophy wife. They're married to money, go to parties and fancy vacations, and are bored silly. Their idea of a work day is to work out at the gym, followed by a mani and pedi, followed by eating at an expensive restaurant. Not a bad life if you can get it. However, I prefer to earn my money. 
     Anyway, Jessica is a brunette who's in her mid 30s. Her husband's in the finance industry. They live in the Silver Towers; a condo tower complex on West 42nd St, about a block away from the Hudson River. She seemed rather shy when I first met her at the gym. I found out that in private, she's direct and too the point and not shy at all. 
     Bethany is a blonde in her late 20s with a townhouse in the Village whose husband is in the pharmaceutical business. The man needs to take a double shot of Viagra just to get his 4 inches up. Bethany's a wild, tatted up stallion. How she ended up with this guy who can't satisfy her, I'm not sure. Such is the life of a trophy wife.       
     Mina's husband is from old New York family money. They live on the upper east side, just off of Park Avenue. Mina leads a very sheltered life but plays the dutiful wife for official family functions. Her husband gives to prominent politicians and there was talk that perhaps he'd run for public office. However, there's something in his past that Mina told me about that won't let him. Otherwise, he'd be drummed out of office so fast and both his and his family's reputation would be shattered. Every family has their secrets. I wonder what the press would say if they found out that she was sleeping with me on the side? Probably a whole lot. 

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