Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back Once Again

Greetings, People of Earth. Just when I thought I was out,they pull me back in. There are a few reasons why I’ve been away for the last few months:
1.      My business – I started my new business before the end of last year. It took up a ton of my time. Now, I have some help, which has freed up some much needed time away from it. The business is actually doing very well; better than I even expected. Don’t believe everything you’ve heard about the economy. There are plenty of opportunities out there if you don’t want to be sheep and collect a paycheck from someone else. I’m looking to double my business and employees by the end of the year, which will be very good.
2.      Social media break – February 1, I decided to get away from the blog, Facebook, Skype, and Twitter. The only one that I didn’t stay away from was Tumblr; which is really more about photography and less about social media. I decided to come back to social media but now it’s on my terms. I started up with Twitter again but I’m using it more as a news feed. I’m not tweeting that much so following me on there will be pretty boring if you do. I’m back on Skype. The handle is EbonyPanther so stop by and say hi if you want. We don’t have to go on cam. We can just text chat. I’m only using Facebook once a month to check notifications and that’s it. I’m completely sick of Facebook although I admire Mark Zuckerberg a great deal for what he’s managed to do. Which leads me to….
3.      The blog – Honestly, I was getting a little tired doing it so I just stopped. After all, I’m a capitalist at heart and since it wasn’t making me money (mainly because it’s not set up that way) and my business was, I stopped. Then, I received a couple emails from a couple people telling me how much my exploits turned them on and how much they missed that. I’ve carved out some time on the schedule so now I can tell those stories again. I figure 3 days a week should be plenty. If I decide to add other things, I will. I didn't stop reading other blogs, though. Cande's Secret Diary, Exploits of Lexi, and Leah's Late Starter Chronicles are 3 that I read on my Google Reader and make me cum regularly. That’s about it for now, I guess.

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