Monday, November 23, 2009

Poll Results & Thanksgiving

Thanks to all who participated in the informal poll. The results were about where I figured they'd be. Two things, though. To the 2 women who cum when you read my blog, thank you. I'm honored that my words turn you on to bring you the point of orgasm. To the one woman who pretends that she's the woman that I'm having sex with, we definitely need to talk!! Email me!!!
This week is Thanksgiving week. If you're in America, you know what that means: traveling & a few days spent with family. I'll be traveling for a couple of days & though I'll have my laptop, I may not get a chance to write much. Then again, I may have tons of time to bang out a few memories. To all of you who read my blog from overseas, thank you & that will explain why you may not get any stories for a few days. For you who live in America, thanks for reading & Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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