Friday, October 16, 2009

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Call me C. I'm a 42 year old, well spoken, college educated, clean cut black male. I'm 6' tall & around 180 - 200 lbs, depending. Lately, I've been working out like a fiend. I have a good job. I've never been married although I've come dangerously close. The last girlfriend burned me so badly that I've been gunshy with affairs of the heart. I figure I'm a bachelor for life.
Having said all that, I love sex. When it comes to sex, I'm pretty much uninhibited. In fact, I'd probably say I'm a dog. I never cheat on anyone who I'm seriously dating but if I'm single, I'm doing just about any woman who wants it. I don't care if they have boyfrineds or not. I realize I'm probably going to hell for that but I figure if they're willing to cheat on their men & I'm single, why not? You only go around once. Never live your life wondering what if.
I like all colors of women. I've had black women, white women, latino women, asian, & even persian. What can I say? I love variety. I love womens bodies. I could never be gay because I think the male body is ugly. Sexually, I've got pretty good stamina. I love doing all nighters. I've never been one for quickies. I can go for about 12 hours with the right woman. Am I some chocolate stud banging 1000 women? No. However, when an opportunity asises, I make the most of it.
I decided to write this blog mainly so that I can remember these stories. Some of the stories are of things that have happened in the past. Some are of things that are going on right now. All of them will have the names changed to protect the not so innocent. Maybe you'll like. Maybe you won't. I have no idea where this is going to lead. That the best part about charting new roadmaps. Time to hit the road & travel. Let's travel together.

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