Thursday, June 30, 2011


This girl lives for the lens....movies,stills, and looks great in front of either! Still a relative newcomer to the Porn scene Kai has already made an impact, and for anyone who has met this bubbly and vivacious lady....that won't come as anything of a suprise.

1. What is your favorite position?
 Kai Baby: "With men I like to ride, I enjoy being able to watch him enjoy me, while he watches me enjoy him. There is no faking the facials!, with women I enjoy A good ole' 69, there is nothing like soft breasts against my stomach, so sexy"

2. What is your least favorite position?
Kai Baby: "hummm, thats hard cause I really enjoy sex. If I have to choose I would say anything that requires me to be upside down. Blood rushes to your head and if done too long you just end up with a flushed face and a headache"

3. What turns you on?
Kai Baby: "I know it sounds sappy, but kindness is the sexiest trait to me. A nice person can get this any day over a sexy jerk, well done tattoos turn me on like a light too".

4. What turns you off?
Kai Baby: "Unsubstantiated arrogance. which is sometimes mistaken for self-confidence, jerks in other words"

5. What sound do you love?
 Kai Baby: "I love the sound of the ocean, and laughter"

6. What sound do you hate?
Kai Baby: 'The sound of lies!!!,crying, and air horns"

7. What is your favorite curse word?
Kai Baby: ''Motherfucker, one word. Need me to use it in a sentance? "This motherfuker got cum on my dress"

8. What was your favourite role?
Kai Baby: "Honestly I have loved every one, from fucking on a drink machine to being a green elf. They have all been positive experiences with awesome people"

9. What is your favourite movie?
Kai Baby: "I would say Bali and Meow. Bali because of the creativity and Meow because of the story without words. But I also love "How to be a second life porn star" I watched it, and well here I am!"

10. How did you get started in the Adult Movie Industry?
Kai Baby: A friend had a pornstar tag and I asked him about it. figured I like sex, I like being watched having sex, and once I set my mind on something, I work hard to make it happen.

11. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
Kai Baby: "Lap Dance!!!"

Have fun in all you do!- Jinx Jiersen 2011

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