Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sex Blog of the Week - Not Your Average Chick

This week's sex blog is Not Your Average Chick. It's written by Ashly Star and is a mishmosh of sex and other things in life. I'll let Ashly tell you about herself.

I'm sarcastic, moody, weird, quirky, hyper, spontaneous, bluntly honest, silly, complex, dorky, deep, not easily trusting, loyal, stubborn, outgoing, open, argumenative, cynical and plenty of other adjectives that I don't feel like typing out now. I won't put up with your bullshit. Hate drama and can't stand mind games. Sometimes I talk too much and other times I don't say enough. I can be an asshole when provoked and hey, those bitchy moodswings happen. I listen to my music a little too loud and laugh at inappropriate times. I have a weird and sometimes morbid sense of humor. I'm happy being me though. =D

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