Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Sexual Truths repost

1. I love phone sex.

2. I love webcam sex.

3. I love cyber sex.

4. I'm not as cool as you think I am. I'm really quite the nerd. Well, half nerd & half workout geek.

5. I've never had a threesome with myself, a guy, & a girl. It's always been myself & two other girls.

6. Having said that, I love threesomes.

7. I've had a foursome with three girls...actually, that was a few times.

8. Some of the places I've had sex are:

- the office

- a car; front & back seat, & hood.

- a park

- in a pool

- in a hot tub

- on a boat

- on the subway

- in a cab

- a truck

- a boat

- in a closet at a party

- in the next room with her boyfriend passed out

- in the college dorm shower

- at a gym

- on the 50 yard line on a football field

- on a private jet

- on top of the laundry dryer

9. I've been tied up & I do the tying up.

10. I've been spanked & have done the spanking.

11. I enjoy watching people having sex & having people watch me have sex.

12. I love cumming in a woman's mouth.

13. Business suits with short to medium length skirts on a woman are a complete turn on for me.

14. Women in black pumps drive me wild.

15. I look 15 - 20 years younger than I really am. I was carded right up until I was 40. That's not such a bad thing now but when I was younger, I'd get angry over it.
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