Saturday, October 30, 2010


Well no baby could ask for nicer parents than Quinn and Scooby.

So little Aurora should count herself blessed. Read all about Quinn and Scoob's little bundle of joy below!!!

A new star is born!

Hello, her name is Aurora Priscilla and she's beautiful... after 1 month waiting (really two weeks since I knew) last night Scooby took me to a clinic and helped me to give birth to this amazing little creature. I love them both, and proud of them. I was so thrilled and nervous, but with him by my side it all went smooth...
He never stopped amusing me and the staff, showing the man he is :-) Thanks to him and to the Rock-A-Bye Babies Birthing Clinic Staff, now this little wonder walks around in my house, and feels safe in my arms...
Love and Hugs, Quinn

Rock-A-Bye Babies Birthing Clinic
Birth Certificate Order Form
Delivering Doctor's FULL SL Name: Nurse Sass
Mother's Name: Quinn Ying
Father's Name: Scooby Mode
Baby's Name: Aurora Priscila Mode
Baby's Gender: female
Date of Birth: Oct 27, 2010
Time of Birth: 3:41pm
Baby Weight: 5lbs 15oz
Baby Length: 18" long

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