Sunday, December 13, 2009

Off Topic

I usually same things like this for other blogs but since it's about sex, or rather sexual scandal, I'll speak about it here. Where to start about the Tiger Woods issue? Well, personally, I'm sick of hearing about it like it's the most important topic over the last few weeks. It's mainly a spectable for people who have no lives of their own. The guy is a golfer, after all. He's not a religious leader. He's not a politician.
Some people say it's everybody's business because he's a pitchman for a lot of companies. Well, I've never bought anything based on a celebrity endorsement. Why buy something just because someone's getting paid to tell you to buy it? Besides, it's still no reason to drag this out for this long.
I've heard some sad takes on the situation. I saw one tweet, from somebody whose tweets represent a major international company, tweeted that "Tiger Woods represents sick sick sick America". Right, like the rest of the world doesn't have guys who cheat. I've also seen articles about why men cheat. Right, like only men cheat.
Some of the things I've seen have been downright racist. There's a tweet going around that says something along the lines of "Sorry Tiger. We can't help you. You don't consider yourself one of us. Signed, the Niggas." Good old Rush Limbaugh even chimed in (surprise) saying that Tiger shouldn't have gotten involved with blonde women. As a multiracial person, I take great offense to both thoughts.
The bottom line is that Tiger Woods's problems are of his doing. However, it's really a problem between himself & his wife. Everybody else needs to get back to dealing with health care, the economy, & terrorism.

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