Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Years Resolutions

As is tradition, I've made a few New Year's resolutions. Life will more than likely take over & stop some of these from happening. It's good to make lists to try to keep your focus during the year so here's mine:
1. Learn another language: I know English & Spanish. I'm thinking of picking up French, since my 2 1/2 year old God son's mother is a French teacher & has been teaching my God son both English & French at the same time. I figure I'll need to know when the kid's swearing at me in French.
2. Continue to travel more: A holdover from last year that I did pretty well with this year. I took an almost cross country train trip just to see parts of the country I'm usually flying over. By travel, I mean actually being a tourist, as opposed to what I normally do, which is usually fly into a city for business, then leave.
3. Enjoy New York City more: I realized this year that I don't do enough of the museums or art galleries or stuff like that.
4. Pay attention to the news less: These days, there's too much noise & too many stupid people willing to scream their opinions at you. Therefore, I'm continuing my pledge from this year to turn off the news & only do quick Internet flips. So far, it's working great. I still know what's going on & I don't have to watch the stupidity that is cable news.
5. Exercise more: Actually, everybody puts this on their list every year. I do exercise a lot. My problem is that I usually give myself December off due to holiday parties & what not. Then, I get into a rut during the winter & don't start bearing down on exercising until spring comes around. This go around, I'm going to exercise during the winter so that I'll be cut during the warm months.
6. Have more quality sex: like you didn't think this would be on the list. It's always on my list. Of course, I'll be here to tell it to you. I know what you like.
I don't smoke, so that saves me the quit smoking resolution. I eat very well & watch my calories already so no need to do the dieting resolution, either. What are your resolutions & which ones did you actually keep this past year?
P.S. A few of you want to hear the details of New Years Eve. You will. If all goes well (& I know it will), I'll start blogging about it Friday evening or Saturday. Be warned, though. It's going to be a multi part blog. If things go really well, it might be a 2 week blog!! OK, probably not that long but definitely at least a 5 parter. I don't have to worry about forgetting details because we're bringing camcorders to record the crowd. Have a good holiday. Here's hoping 2010 is better than 2009 for everybody.

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