Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Posts

Memorial Day FlagsImage by eddiecoyote via Flickr     Happy Saturday all. It's Memorial Day weekend here in America For those of you out of the States, it's the weekend when we remember our soldiers who have fallen during the wars that we have taken part in. For a military brat like me, it's become more important over the years. For a lot of other people, unfortunately, it's just a weekend to party, go see movies, and hit the beach. Oh well, to each his own.
     We shift focus back to the blog. There will be a few changes starting next week. Cande's male sex photos and videos are going daily, although the number of photos and videos per post will be cut back. Also, the number of videos for some of the other weekly posts will be cut back. Same thing goes for the number of photos in each of the daily posts. It makes for less clutter, I think.
     As so today, I gave Cande a double dose of her videos. There are also interracial, blowjob, and ebony videos. The porn star from yesteryear is Jenteal. Seize the day, people!
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