Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Story - Self Analysis

     Someone said the other day that I was a beast. They meant it in a nice way. I don't think I'm a beast, though. I just know what I want and I act on it. Therefore, if I find you attractive, I'm not going to be shy about it. If it's mutual, then great. If it's not, then I move on. I'm not into playing games or having women play hard to get. How can someone get into a relationship with someone who played with their emotions by playing hard to get, I'll never understand. I don't find it sexy. I find it manipulative, which a big time red flag to me that says that you're not trustworthy.
     Having said all that, I've been doing a little self analysis and I think I've figured out a few things. I love women's bodies. The way they smell and feel. I worship them, study them like flesh covered works of art. It's probably why I've managed to stay friendly with most of the women I've fooled around with.
     However, sex to me, is a sport. It's a contest for me to see what I can do with you and to you. It satisfies my ego to make you cum and to see how many times I can do it. When I have sex, it doesn't tend to be soft and loving. It's erotic, exhausting, passionate, and hard. It's strictly a carnal pleasure. It probably is for a lot of guys.
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