Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Notes

     If you've been looking at the blog over the past few weeks, you've noticed that there have been a few changes. For starters, I've added a couple more bells and whistles to the right column. There will probably be more. If anybody wants to give me a banner to advertise their blog, just email me at and I'll gladly put it up. Everyone could use some free advertising.
     Next point of business. I've added more blog posts as the weeks have gone on. I'm about to go into overdrive with those. It might get to the point where I'll have to do a daily blog summary post with the links to what I did during the day.
     I could use some feedback on this next item. Along with expanding the video posts, I'm thinking of putting up some gay porn video once a week. Here's the only reason why I'm mentioning this in this fashion. This blog is for you guys although it has become increasingly more fun for me to do than before, when it was just me trying to remember all the details of my sexual encounters (more on that later). Everything I put on this blog is something or someone that I personally like, which is why you'll probably never see me do a post on Jenna Jameson (sorry, she doesn't do a damn thing for me), among others.
     As such, gay porn does nothing for me. I not against homosexuality. Because of my profession, I probably have more gay friends than straight friends, when I think about it. I admire the male form, as you can tell by the Men posts that I do every day.
     However, there are many people who are turned off by anything that's gay. I've gotten emails that I haven't posted in the comments saying that I shouldn't put up photos of naked guys although those same people don't have any problems with either the photos of the naked couples (which included naked men, last time I checked) or the videos of lesbians that get posted. Still others get turned on by guys giving each other blowjobs but not fucking each other.
     So I put it to you. Do you guys want to see posts of gay men? If so, do you want them to fuck each other or strictly giving blowjobs to each other. I'd like to hear from both the men and women on this one. Please comment or email me or, if you just want to stay completely anonymous and weigh in, take a second and answer the poll in the right column.
     Now, about the sex stories. I know I always say this but I'll try to put up more. Since my break up a month ago, I've actually been making up for lost time and I do have some new stories to tell. I just don't have much time to tell them although I've done at least one a week for the past few weeks. I'll try to make them a regular feature, though. Maybe that'll spur me to remember them clearer and put them down on paper.
     Anyway, that's it. Let me know what you think of the way the blog is going and what you want to see on here. Your feedback is always needed and appreciated...unless it's homophobic or racist because if' that's the case, you can go fuck yourself.
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