Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Notes

     I've cut down on the number of blogs that are posted per page from 5 posts to 3. I find that I'm doing more photo & video posting so this should mae the layout a little easier. There are some days that I post more than 3 posts so unless you check the blog updates on the right, you may miss one. For instance, this is my 4th post today so if you didn't check the blog in a day, you may miss the first post today.
     Also, I know, I know. I didn't get to my personal stories yet again. Yours truly is extremely busy but I will get to them.....eventually. Oh & again, to that certain someone, I hope the second week of the event coordinating job is going well & they haven't driven you to quit yet. Stick with it. Life is hard & sometimes we have to take a step back in order to move forward. When we succeed, though, it makes the success that much more worth it & you are definitely worth it. Each & every one of you is worth it. Treat yourselves as such. That's our lesson for today, kids. Class dismissed.
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