Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sex Blog of the Week Submissions

     As I look through my own blog list, I realize that there are only a few more blogs that I follow with authors who write regularly. Therefore, I need some new blogs to follow. Does anybody have blogs or know of blogs that are worthy of being a sex blog of the week post?
     Here's my idea of being worthy:
1. They have to post regularly. Be regularly, I don't mean every day. We all have busy lives & a lot of us don't get to look at blogs; let alone, post one. Hell, if I didn't go to my current blog format, I'd probably only post maybe once a month or so. Once a week or so is good, so long as it's not one post every other month telling you that they haven't posted in a while but will.
2. They have to turn me on. I'm not a fan of blogs that just want to bitch & moan about their lives. I like sex talk, not relationship talk or all men are evil talk. Granted, there are a few that I've suggested that talk a lot about their relationships but those people balance all that out with passion & sex. Therefore, it's workable, in my opinion.
     With all that being said, feel free to make your suggestions, along with the links. Tell me why you personally like these blogs. No, your friend writes it is not a valid reason.
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