Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Notes

     Just a few notes as I sit here. First, I've noticed a sizable leap in my page views within the last week. Hello to all you new people who found the blog. I'm still confused as to why the sudden increase. Before, if I got 200 page views, I'd consider that a pretty good day. The past weeks, however, has seen those page views shhot up to 450 - 700 daily. Crazy!! The people who are viewing from all over the world, including people viewing at work (naughty people) & military instillations (as a military brat myself, I love the military. Thanks for doing what you do). Who knew this thing was getting successful? I guess I should devote more time to it.
     Next, I know I haven't written sex stories in a couple weeks. I'm carving out time this weekend, since it's Oscar weekend. You'll read them very shortly. Thanks for the coments on the posts. I love getting them. Keep them coming. Let me know what you like & what you don't like. Maybe I'll put up more photos of the women, since I put up photos of the men for the ladies. The ladies love photos of muscular men with big cocks. Gee. Shocker.
    Lastly, as a message to one certain person, I hope that their new job in the events industry as an events coordinator is working out for them so far. Actually, the same hope goes for everybody. I hope the year is working out so far for people. I know this world seems like it's completely flipped out lately. At least, it feels like it. Keep the faith.
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