Saturday, November 20, 2010

A FAVOR TO ME: Please read

I don't like to comment on arguments people have usually.
But there's been a lot of sniping, criticism and hurt feelings in the group.

And I have a few things to get off my "Size 88 on EDIT APPEARANCE" chest. :)


Like my uncle always says (and he really does say this), "If you can't say something nice about someone, shut the fuck up."

Respect that someone made something. Good or bad, they made it.
We're all amateurs. It's cool that they even tried.

There's a way to criticize someone without tearing them down. Learn to do it.

If you can make someone better and build them up at the same time, you've made a friend for life.

No one likes criticism. But if you do get criticized or satirized, take it this way:

You were important enough for someone to notice.

You created something worthy of another person responding to it, positive or negative.
And that's kind of cool.

Try to take all comments, with a grain of salt, whether they are positive or negative.
If someone doesn't like what you did, that's their problem

Just do what's in your heart and what makes you happy.

Love to you all,


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