Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A portrait of Emmanuelle which i edited for this post, from an original pic by Ivori Faith.
From her Interview with Emmanuelle.
This is a pretty amazing mile stone. The 2,500th blog post. I've always called this blog a institution of Second Life porn, and always felt honored to be featured on it, and now to be part of it. I think posts coming up tomorrow like THE SEXIEST® PHOTO OF THE MONTH, demonstrate how vibrant and exciting this blog can be. Showcasing your amazing creations, and showing your ability to get us all so hot, time and time again!

As well as two new pics above and below, I'm also including a few retro items. From the blogs vaults, in this nostalgic post. As well as a brand new screen shot from my next movie featuring Emmanuelle and Arwen!

Serenity and Emma. No, this not a typical day at the blog offices.
I spent some time looking back at the very earliest posts. The names have changed, the movies and photographs have changed, but the style, and reasons for publishing this blog are still the same. Emmanuelle has really given her all over the years to produce something very special. She's delivered it with passion, and her very own sexy style.

The blog has entertained us since 2009. It's turned us on, helped and introduced many producers, photographers, models, Actresses, actors, and Directors. For many years across thousands of those posts.

One of the earliest working pics i could find on the blog, "Jennnna Jameson" in 2009 by Clarissa Szimmer.
Long before i arrived Emmanuelle was delivering a touch of glamour within these blog posts. Adding a celebrity feel to Second Life Porn. From reviewing new movies, to Pornstar parties, to showcasing "The Pornstars". I hope that can carry on while i edit, and the whole group feel part of this blog.

Jennna from the movie "PornStars" in 2009 A SexyLifeBrasil Production. Click here to watch a rare retro treat!.
The Sexiest brand here on the blog has also entertained every day. With the Sexiest Photo of the day really making the photographers featured feel proud. Giving thousands of blog visitors some wonderful eye candy too! Huge thanks have to go to every single up loader to that group. The Sexiest Film awards has also now created a classy, Oscar's like annual event. The blog of course was the place to follow the whole event from nominations, through to the results and exclusive pictures.

The future. Emmanuelle and Arwen in our upcoming new movie!
The blog and the Pornstars group in Second Life is a real tribute to the effort, and time Emmanuelle put in to it all. A project born out of people enjoying their Second Life, and creating something sexy, and erotic should always be fun. Hopefully this blog can keep on reporting all those naughty, beautiful, erotic, fun, dirty, and naughty things you all get up to and capture on film, and in photography.

Here's to the next 2,500 posts!

To round things off a movie from the early days of the Blog in 2009....

Jennnna Jameson's "I Kissed A Girl"


As a very special blog post is about to arrive. I'm posting another Saphire Nishi 3d image. Saphire is just the best, and our favorite 3d artist ever on the blog. Stunning work!


Candi Mendle

We don't get many Feb 29th's so we needed a special Pornstar. Candi Mendle has been just that since she arrived on the scene in Emmanuelle's super sexy movie I Want Candi. She's now our official party organizer, bringing all of us together each week for a hot, fun time! Thank you Candi, and congrats for having ***THE PORNSTARS*** XXX FACTOR Today!

This photograph was taken by Miss Emily.

Adrianne Palicki in Coffee Town!

IMTA alum Adrienne Palicki will be the female lead in the feature film Coffee Town! According to Variety, "Adrianne Palicki is set to join Glenn Howerton in the CollegeHumor pic Coffee Town. Brad Copeland (Arrested Development) is writing and and making his feature directorial debut with the workplace comedy, which co-stars Ben Schwartz, Steve Little and Josh Groban. Story follows three thirty-something friends who band together when their freeloading existence is threatened. Palicki will play Becca, a coffee-loving nurse who Howerton's character has a crush on."

Adrianne competed at IMTA in New York City in 2001 and in an interview with the IMTA Video Crew, she said,"It was amazing. I love IMTA. I'm so sad it's over." Check out this gorgeous photo of Adrianne when she was competing at IMTA:

As always, a special thanks to Jup2 for the latest Adrianne Palicki news and photos!

VESUVIUS - Pali blu di Jackson Pollock

Pali blu, Jackson Pollock, 1953

Questo quadro, come quasi tutte le opere di Pollock, ha dimensioni notevoli (circa metri 2x5), non tanto per esigenze di monumentalità, quanto per evidenziare lo spazio fisico reale in cui si muove l’artista con tutta la sua gestualità. Su questa tela Pollock utilizza colori ad olio, smalti sintetici e vernici all’alluminio, spruzzandoli con batuffoli di cotone, pennelli da imbianchino, pezzi di legno. Su un fondo grigio-nero di metallica colorazione si dispongono vari intrecci di tonalità rosse e gialle. Su tutto emergono otto segmenti neri che danno il titolo al quadro. Da notare che il blu citato dal titolo in realtà è del tutto assente dal campo cromatico del quadro. Tuttavia il titolo «pali blu» suggerisce un’interpretazione figurativa degli otto segmenti neri, quasi ipotizzando una forzatura dalla concezione dell’opera che, in tal modo, non appare più del tutto informale. Ciò potrebbe suggerire un estremo sforzo di ritornare dal caos informe verso un minimo di ordine e di razionalità. Ma è uno sforzo drammatico che mostra tutta la sua difficoltà (o impossibilità) a compiersi. I pali infatti appaiono contorti e disallineati, quasi presi e riassorbiti dal caos informe dal quale cercano di distaccarsi. Il contenuto del quadro si addensa dunque in queste sue conflittualità: il blu, simbolo di spazio e serenità, che non riesce ad apparire, i pali che non riescono a prendere una forma sicura e stabile. Ma lo sforzo dei pali di prendere forma e colore sembra quasi un’allegoria degli sforzi umani di riemergere dal caos in cui la vita si muove. E l’opera sembra così suggerire che la razionalità non è del tutto assente: da qualche parte sopravvive, ma è praticamente schiacciata dall’irrazionalità, che "forse" vincerà. Ed è proprio il senso di questo ultimo "forse", che non viene sciolto in una soluzione finale ottimistica, a costituire il conflitto interno dell’opera.

Francesca Sigilli
(Storico d'Arte)



A special picture for Leap Day. From none other than Copernico Ferraris, winner of January's Sexiest Photo Of The Month!

Titled Legs, it's simply a beautifully composed photograph, with amazing style and of course a huge amount of sexiness, which is always going to mean THE SEXIEST® PHOTO OF THE DAY!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Todays 3D Erotic Art comes from long time blog favorite, Saphire Nishi. 


J and K take the Golden Gate(V)

A fantastic setting for this photoshoot by Jazzmyn Dubois. Along with two lovely girls from our Pornstars Group. Jazzmyn and Keeley. Both have contributed so much to this blog, in photography uploads from Jazzmyn and and the very popular Pornstar party reports from Keeley. No wonder this has the Pornstar XXX Factor. 

Curiosity&News - Delfini nello stretto di Messina (VIDEO)

Non è cosa da tutti i giorni vedere delfini, tanto meno se la cosa capita nello stretto di Messina e iniziano a sbucare tra le onde facendo anche qualche acrobazia da spettacolo acquatico. Il raro evento però si è verificato sabato scorso, godetevi il video.


Virtual Burlesque is quickly becoming one of the most unique, and highly popular forms of entertainment within the digital, online world of

I'm sure most of you will remember the 2011 Pornstar Awards show done beautifully Ellie's Burlesque house.

We were there last week and invite you to have look at her show for that night. Ellie's is fabulous fun so pop over soon and enjoy a show ! 

Guess who is talking about IMTA?

IMTA Alumni Eva Longoria and Josh Duhamel reminisce about their IMTA experience on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno! The International Modeling and Talent Association, or IMTA, is a professional organization of the finest and most successful modeling and talent training centers in the world. Since 1987, IMTA has become the recognized leader in putting new faces in front of the people whose business it is to identify that elusive spark that heralds the next rising star or supermodel. An impressive – and constantly growing – list of discoveries from IMTA Conventions makes it impossible to open a magazine, see a fashion show, turn on the television, or watch a motion picture without seeing a face first seen at IMTA.

If you ever wondered if IMTA is real, or if it is a ripoff or a scam, then the following video should show you how legitimate IMTA is and how many opportunities are at every IMTA Convention! Watch this video to see a sampling of models and actors who got their start at an IMTA Convention!


Mel By ★ Miss ★ Filomena P. What a sexy all round package this photo is. Love the whole presentation. Although it had a Valentine's type feel to it, and we did Valentine's day big time. It was just too good to ignore and way too sexy not to be  THE SEXIEST® PHOTO OF THE DAY!


Il torneo sta ormai entrando prepotentemente nella sua fase piu' calda e gli effetti delle "Scaldate" si cominciano a vedere in tutta la loro preoccupante veemenza tanto da far impallidire i dissapori Juve/Milan dell'ultima giornata del Campionato italiano.
Dopo l'ennesima battuta d'arresto del Puparo,infatti, ci siamo visti recapitare ,alla sede centrale del Pispino, una "Piccata lettera di Denunzia" del medesimo ,indirizzata polemicamente ai : "GABBIANI DEL PISPINO".
La profonda crisi "Esoterica"  dell'ex Baluardo del malefizio trasuda inconfutabilmente dalle righe del documento che prontamente ho allegato al consueto post settimanale .
I sei destinatori del documento minatorio hanno prontamente vidimato le accuse del Puparo eccetto il Gabbiano Boccia assente per Peronospera.

Il J'Accuse del Puparo

A parte gli strascichi polemici ,la giornata era densa di appuntamenti,prima di tutto c'era da conteggiare il recupero del Terzo Fil Rouge ,con i seguenti Responsi :

PALLESECCHE ............................................................3 punti
LUCCHETTO /NASCA ................................................2 punti

Gioia effimera del Parrocoucho che ha mantenuto la testa della classifica in solitaria per ben 8- 10 minuti...giusto giusto il tempo del conteggio per la XV giornata che permetteva al Napli's Team del Boccino di riaffiancarlo prontamente.


Mai ,a questo punto del campionato si e' vista una tale incertezza con ancora ben 5 squadre candidate alla vittoria finale.
Il Gabbiano Jeffersoniano del Boccino e il Parrochetto del Maori di Corso Umberto  volteggiano altezzosi in testa alla classifica  tampinati dalla rappresentativa della Repubblica Popolare del Pispino a un solo punto mentre il Profetico Jontino continua la sua imperiosa risalita agganciando anche un Puparo in profonda crisi di risultati...le malelingue non parlano di crisi ma solo di un duro risveglio ,co' quella squadra e senza l'aiuto esoterico ,questa e' la giusta,nuda e cruda realta' della squadra della Trinacria.

Un'incazzatissimo Bernardino in Arringa difensiva

In zona salvezza importante balzo in avanti del Lupo Grigio che con 3 vittorie consecutive e due punti al Fil Rouge ,conquista ,staccando un agguerrito terzetto (Giannone,Pallesecche e un redivivo Sirvio),la sesta piazza,ultimo posto a sedere disponibile per la cena Finale.

Un Caldissimo Lupo grigio in incontenibile risalita

Il Nano malefico continua il suo anonimo campionato sempre piu' in fondo alla classifica,fuori dalla Maceroni's,si avvia alla Riconferma di Betto's Dog anche per il 2012, mentre il Liu' Nero da' segni di risveglio,tentando ,per quanto possibile una dura risalita verso la salvezza che per ora sembra solo una lontana Chimera.

Il Betto's Dog in un momento d'Intimita'

Sul fondo della classifica ,sempre piu' in situazione disperata,il Gatto giace ormai inerte al Tapiro's Place


SIRVIO - NASCA   2 - 0





Prima giornata di ritorno della fase a gironi che gia da' molti altri verdetti per quanto riguarda il passaggio ai quarti.
Unico gruppo dove ancora tutto e' possibile e' L'A di Giannone,Sirvio e Boccino.


Hard Rust has set up a porn movie studio set at Hard Alley. The themes will vary month by month, it's an ideal spot to visit if you're into porn! Here is Hard's own description...

Come visit the new Porn Studio in Hard Alley where you can Roleplay being either a sleazy director with a casting couch, or a pornstar wannabe that will do anything for a part in a film! "Movie Set" changes every month. This month's set... "Construction Site"!

Monday, February 27, 2012



Kai "Baby" Barineaux Dominatrix. Taken by Don Roodborst. Is a really striking picture. Of course we're big fans of Kai here on the blog, and luckily this pic delivers just what we want for the Pornstar XXX Factor!


fat frogs can be sexy

Always great to feature a photographer and model on the blog for the first time. Muffin Emerald here shows us what we've all been missing so far. Her photostream features some really lovely pics, many worthy of Sexiest status. I picked this, even though i was really spoiled for choice! Congrats Muffin, you're THE SEXIEST® PHOTO OF THE DAY

IMTA congratulates Beau Nelson and The Artist!

Congratulations to IMTA alum Beau Nelson for being part of The Artist. According to the L.A. Times, "The Artist," the black-and-white silent film about Hollywood’s rocky transition to the “talkies,” took the biggest honors at the 84th Academy Awards on Sunday night, including best picture, director and lead actor."

In the film, Beau plays Peppy's Boyfriend. He has two scenes with Peppy (Berenice Bejo) in the movie theater as her date. Beau said,"One of the scenes is currently in the cut that made theaters and the other is on the DVD I received as a screener from SAG. It was absolutely the most wonderful experience to be on set for such a brilliant film. Berenice is amazing to work with; extremely sweet and amazingly talented. The director, Michel Hazanavicious was outstanding to work with. He knew exactly what he wanted and it was the most smooth filming experience I've had to date. Truly an amazing experience and so thankful to have had the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful experience."

Beau competed at the New York 2008 IMTA and is now living in Los Angeles. In his first two years in L.A after IMTA, he appeared in over 20 films. Some of his highlights include Zombie Drugs (starring-18 inquires at AFM), Q for Death (co-star with Jeremy London), Madoff: Made off with America (Supporting Tom Sizemore/Micheal Madson), Bring Me The Head of Lance Henrikson (Principal with Lance Henrikson/Tim Thomerson), Ginger (Jason London) and The Adventures of Roman & Jorge, a Christian 30-minute episodic that aired for a brief time.


It's time to focus on the only blonde in our line up in the battle of the porn stars here on the blog. Kayden is a multiple award winning actress, and former penthouse pet of the month. Picking up three awards in 2011 at the AVN and XBIZ awards shows.

She can be seen here in amazing high res images. Well worth a click! Remember if you like what you see, cast your vote in our poll on the right side bar!

Watch Kayden in some hot girl on girl action after the JUMP!!!


La vignetta del Lunedi - La crisi del lavoro

Oggi vi proponiamo una vignetta di ARNALD sulla crisi occupazionale.


Shot on my favourite third party viewer for photography. Niran's. Innovative features on the way out?

I thought our readers would find this information interesting. It outlines some changes coming to third party Second Life Viewers. The picture above was taken on "Niran's" viewer. Like Kirsten's, and now with viewers such as Firestorm, and Exodus, many Second Life users, photographers, movie makers have come to like the innovations and outside the box thinking which can come with third party viewer development. However new rules which may stifle innovations, or even see them removed, will I'm sure make many of us unhappy at the thought.

Although, some of privacy rules being implemented can never really be too bad i guess.

Third party viewer photoshoot..OK! OK! I needed to liven up a bunch of text, this is a porn blog after all!
Here is the information posted at Phoenix's site...

New additions to the Third Party Viewer Policy from the Phoenix website. You can view the full post here.

Today LL announced some additions to the Third Party Viewer Policy which will have some impact on our users. I'll just explain them briefly here but will discuss them in more detail as well as our reaction to them during our Office Hour on tuesday at 2pm SLT.

2.a.iii : You must not provide any feature that circumvents any privacy protection option made available through a Linden Lab viewer or any Second Life service.

This means viewers will not be allowed to have true online status. We will remove this feature in the next Phoenix update. LL has also indicated they intend to break scripts ability to look up a users online status except for the owner and creator of the script. No time frame has been indicated for when this will happen.

2.i : You must not display any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of any other Second Life user.
2.j : You must not include any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of the user in any messages sent to other viewers, except when explicitly elected by the user of your viewer.

This means that Viewer identification tags are now a policy violation. LL has indicated that they will be breaking the viewer tagging system for ALL third party viewers between Tuesday and Wednesday with the region updates. This also breaks color tags in our viewers.

2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.

This means that third party viewers will no longer be allowed to innovate features which relate to the shared experience unless LL has the features in their viewers first. However LL has indicated an interest and preference in working with third party viewers to develop such features together.

Again, I will be discussing all of these changes, how they will effect our users and our viewer project on Tuesday during our Office hour at 2pm SLT. I'll provide more information on the location and live stream coordinates within the next few days.

Stay tuned...

Jessica Lyon
Project Manager
The Phoenix Viewer Project, Inc.


Movie Review : Something Good - By Deelite Zenovka

I always knew Deelite was one of the coolest girls around, but blowing her bubble gum, instead of the very obvious alternative!? Now That's cool!

Eye candy for all : Deelite and Vors.

As always Deelite presents us with a vibrant, and exciting scene right away here. We're treated to even more stunning graphics and visuals, just as we've come to expect.

I love the colours and the whole scene is fun, bright and cheerful. Porn does not always have to play out in a dark back alley or against a sleazy back drop, it has as much right to be bright, sunny, and show a couple making love, lighting up your day. Making you smile as you're turned on!

The filming makes wonderful use of shadows and depth of field to present really dynamic shots. You'll be glad such features made you look into the scenes, because once it has your full attention, you can really start to appreciate two stunning avatars. Enjoy the sight of them making love on some great anims, and see the full potential for fun, and erotic action in Second Life! The title says it all, Something Good!

Keep up the great work Deelite, and Vor's. This is a real ray of sexy, hot, hot, sunshine!

Watch the movie after the JUMP!!!

Serenity Juneberry. xx

What has happened to Joan Capdevila? From World Cup winner with Spain to bench-warmer at Benfica

It was the best of times, then, all of a sudden, it was the worst of times. For Joan Capdevila, life took a 180-degree turn in the space of a year. In 12 months, he went from starting for Spain in the 2010 World Cup final against the Netherlands to finding himself on the fringes at Benfica after a free transfer from Villarreal.

But Capdevila's Greek tragedy began during the 2010-11 term, as the 33-year-old fell behind Jose Catala in then-Villarreal coach Juan Carlos Garrido's estimations towards the latter stages of the season. As a result, he also lost his place in the Spain set-up and was forced to consider his options as the campaign came to an end.

For Capdevila, Benfica looked to be the way out of his disappointing situation: the Portuguese club were looking for a new left-back following the €30 million sale of Fabio Coentrao to Real Madrid, and the other player who arrived for the left side of the defence, Lille's Emerson, did not boast nearly as much experience as the Spaniard.

However, things quickly went sour for Capdevila, who was left out of Benfica's 27-man squad for the Champions League qualifiers against Trabzonspor. Back then, the former Villarreal defender played down that situation, and it was suggested that he merely lacked competitive rhythm. 

But the final straw came when he did not make Benfica's final list for the showpiece tournament as Uefa regulations state that a club cannot register more than 17 non-homegrown players. In his place, the Estadio da Luz outfit chose Cesar Peixoto, who was not even training with the first-team squad and ended up being released in January. 

Just 24 hours after the list for the Uefa competition went public, so did Capdevila's agent, who spoke of his client's frustration at his situation and admitted that the player would have left Benfica before the end of the summer transfer window if he knew he would not be under consideration by coach Jorge Jesus. Later in September, the agent confirmed that Serie A duo Napoli and Juventus were targetting a move for the 33-year-old, but neither club have so far made an offer for the player.

The fact is that every time Capdevila has been called to action, he has appeared to be off the pace. Speculation has surfaced that the Spaniard has not been putting enough effort into training as he was convinced that he would be an automatic starter, but this matter has become taboo at the Estadio da Luz.

In early October, a report in the Portuguese press helped to understand why Capdevila may be on the periphery at Benfica. During the summer transfer window, Jesus had set his sights on Malaga winger Eliseu, who can also play at left-back, much like Coentrao. However, given the Portugal international's hefty price-tag, Jesus had to settle for the Spaniard, a player he never wanted in the first place.

With little over two weeks left in the January transfer window, all doors seem to be closed for Capdevila. A transfer to Juventus appears to be out of the equation as the Bianconeri are plotting a move for Sevilla's Martin Caceres. At the age of 33, a return to the Spain national team, for whom he has not featured since March 2011, is also highly unlikely, as Valencia's Jordi Alba has been the undisputed first choice for coach Vicente del Bosque of late. Deportivo La Coruna, where Capdevila played between 2000 and 2007, have been mooted as a solution, but the Spanish defender may have to drastically lower his wage demands to be able to join the Segunda Division side.

From hero to zero, Capdevila has watched his career nosedive spectacularly in little over a year. His future seems to be up in the air, but one thing is certain: his example shows how quickly a player's career can change if a wrong turn is taken.

Sunday, February 26, 2012



Been intending to feature London Zane on the Pornstar XXX Factor for quite some time, and i loved this picture. London put's a very stylish and sexy slant on everything she does. I was a huge fan of her debut adult movie, "Daydreaming" and look forward to many more. I always look out for her Flickr pics too. Congrats London you have the Pornstar XXX Factor! ( and way too many bubbles unfortunately! )


TARUHAN BOLA EURO 2012 - Dalam laga Derby, pada hari Minggu (26/02/2012) Real Madrid hanya menang tipis 1-0 atas Rayo Vallecano.

Informasi yang didapat dari Bandar Bola Euro 2012, sejak awal laga Madrid sudah bermain agresif. Dan serangan-serangan yang dilancarkan Madrid membuat Rayo Vallecano hanya bisa bertahan. Sayangnya penyelesaian akhir yang berbuah gol belum bisa direalisasi karena kurang pedenya tim El Real. Selain itu kiper Rayo yakni Joel Robles bermain gemilang hingga membuat peluang-peluang punggawa El Real dipatahkan ditangannya. Permainan Rayo sendiri bukan tanpa greget itu terbukti dengan dibuat repotnya Iker Casillas, kiper El Real dalam menjaga gawangnya. Bahkan hampir saja gawang Madrid kebobolan namun untungnya tendangan Piti membentur mistar. Alhasil laga pertama skor tetap 0-0 untuk kedua tim.

Masuk babak kedua, informasi yang didapat dari Situs Bola Euro 2012, Madrid tetap mendominasi laga dan hasilnya Madrid berhasil menjebol gawang Rayo lewat Ronaldo di menit ke-54. Gol yang dicetak Ronaldo sungguh fantastis karena saat mencetak gol, posisi Ronaldo membelakangi gawang hingga mengelabui pemain belakang juga kiper hingga tendangan backheel Ronaldo sukses membuat Madrid unggul 1-0. Unggul satu gol membuat Madrid bermain on fire terlebih saat tuan rumah terpaksa bermain dengan 10 pemain karena Michu melakukan pelanggaran keras kepada Sami Khedira. Madrid pun semakin kuat di puncak klasemen dengan raihan 64 poin dan selisih 13 poin dari Barca (ac).

La PNL - Antonella Fiorentino

Sono Antonella Fiorentino, coach in PNL Nuovo Codice.
Sono madre di quattro figli e moglie di una persona con la quale ho condiviso il percorso di cambiamento che mi ha portato ad avvicinarmi alla professione di coach.
Come molte persone, ad un certo punto della vita, mi sono soffermata a riflettere sul perchè di molte mie insofferenze e insoddisfazioni e, così, ho iniziato a leggere libri di taglio psicologico sull'autostima, sull'assunzione di responsabilità, sulle scelte consapevoli, sul problem-solving. Le riflessioni condotte mi hanno stimolato la cognizione in merito alla posizione che occupavo nella mia stessa vita. Allora, stanca di lasciarmi trasportare dalla nave degli eventi, ho deciso di approfondire il rapporto con me stessa per diventare capitano della mia nave e scegliere io la rotta da prendere stanca di abbandonarmi alla marea degli eventi stessi.
Una nave chiamata "la mia vita".
Ho cosi iniziato a fare un percorso di formazione personale che mi desse le capacità adatte a gestire le emozioni e gli stati d'animo che giornalmente avevo e mi permettessero di "essere" anziché farmi trascinare dagli avvenimenti.
Questo percorso mi ha fatto appassionare alla professione di Coach spingendomi a seguire il percorso formativo tenuto da Andrea Frausin, trainer altamente qualificato, discepolo del co-fondatore della PNL e co-creatore della PNL Nuovo Codice ovvero John Grinder.
Il corso è stato tenuto dall'OriginalNLP , unico istituto italiano per la formazione della PNL Nuovo Codice scientificamente accreditato e riconosciuto dal Centro Universitario Internazionale.
Il coach è un trainer delle risorse interiori che si serve del dialogo e di specifici esercizi per aiutare le persone ad ascoltarsi, individuare il meglio di se nel presente e imparare a servirsene per migliorare la qualità della propria vita futura. Consente all'individuo lo sviluppo dell'autoconsapevolezza e dell'autoregolazione delle proprie energie in vista degli obiettivi da raggiungere.
Grazie agli incontri con il coach l'individuo diviene, spesso con stupore, consapevole della propria forza interiore e impara ad usarla per gestire in modo differente gli eventi di vita quotidiana.
Il percorso seguito mi ha reso sensibile al sociale ed ai problemi altrui al punto da spingermi a creare una Società della quale sono amministratrice la “Leonida Srl”.
Steve Jobs, nota persona morta qualche giorni fa diceva:
"perchè lasciare che il rumore delle opinioni altrui offuschi la voce interiore, piuttosto che avere il coraggio di seguire il cuore e l'intuizione? Perchè loro, in qualche modo, sanno sempre cosa volete diventare. Tutto il resto è secondario."
Bene! Io sono riuscita a raggiungere la capacità di seguire il mio cuore e fidarmi delle mie intuizione grazie alla PNL Nuovo Codice. Ho imparato a servirmi delle mie qualità per cambiare la posizione che occupavo nella mia stessa vita, da passiva in attiva; sono, dunque, divenuta protagonista degli eventi che "scelgo" di vivere in funzione degli obiettivi che voglio raggiungere. Credo fermamente che il percorso formativo in PNL Nuovo Codice possa consentire a tutte le persone di scoprire le proprie potenzialità e qualità nascoste.

Per informazioni telefonare al seguente n. 3470043523


waiting for you

The Sexiest of Sexiest pics today. The pose, the lighting, and the body. All add up to a amazing picture by Kirsten Smith called Waiting For you. Congrats Kirsten you're THE SEXIEST® PHOTO OF THE DAY!


Movie Review : Quickie in the Clubs Restroom - By Director C

This is a quickie for sure! Just 2 minutes and six seconds in running time. Director C gives us a short, hot, intense time of it as a viewer. 

The action is smooth, and the camera work more than up to the task of putting us as the viewer in the rest room as voyeur, the animations too are well selected. I can imagine these two getting hot and horny in the club and rushing to this rest room to enact these movie scenes.

Director C does need to use credits so we know who he is ( i say "he" because he has a male avatar at SL Porn Tube ) , and also the cast too deserve some credits. 

The picture quality did hold the production back somewhat, and i hope as with all of us after some time everything falls into place and we see his fully polished productions uploaded. Because i really feel Director C can be among the best on our scene. I was very impressed with this video.

One more notable fact for this movie, it features the best, more realistic "money shot" I've ever seen in Second Life Porn! Very realistic indeed! If you don't believe me, check out the movie after the JUMP!!!

A really nice, hot little movie!

Serenity Juneberry. xx