Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Pillow Fight Girls" Gameplay on the iPod Touch

iPhone games, you either love them or hate them. Its ok to expect most of them to suck cause they do. Can you imagine a game about pillow fighting with half naked girls being fun? Well THIS GAME IS FUN. This game truly surprised me cause like most of you i was expecting this game to be a complete rip off and made just to make quick cash. This game is kind of a rip off of mortal kombat 1 and 2 but in a good way. This game is not too be taken TOO seriously. Like most good iphone games this will keep you entertained for a few min and thats what i want. Watch the trailer below

The controls are simple. "A" is to attack, "B" is to block, the direction pad is to move and a "S" button pops up when you unlock a special move. Its a dumb down version of the classic fighting games and there is nothing wrong with that. I admit the idea of girl's pillow fighting seems corny and lame but at least it stands out from the other games on my ipod touch. My only complain is their are not that many features besides a arcade mode and quick play mode but part 2 is on the way. Then again this app costs $1.99 so i had to remind my self that im getting what i pay for. Im not one of those people who expect a $1 iphone game to have all the features of a $60 PS3 game. Out of 5 stars i give this game a 3 1/2 for being simple, fun, unique and cheap.

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