Saturday, April 24, 2010

And We're Back

     Sorry kids but the Panther's been busy. I'm still helping to take care of my friend who's recover from a brain tumor. The good news is that she's getting much better so now there will be more time for blogging. I've got some writings that I'll spread out over the upcoming week.
     I haven't been completely away, though. I've been reblogging other people's photos on my tumblr blog. I put the same stories here on that one but I also add photos to it. If you like hot sexy photos, you should check that blog out once in a while. I'm really beginning to enjoy tumblr much more. It's more of a community than just a generic blogger blog. Anyway, the tumblr blog is Also, you can still ask me anything you want on my formspring page at or just leave me the questions on the top right box on this blog.

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