Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Live Your Dreams

     Of all the Formspring.me questions I've gotten, there's one (it was actually a statement) that's stuck with me. Part of it read "your sexual encounters are my desires and fantasies".
     I think the reason why this stuck with me is because I was a guy who lived through others. I grew up pretty geeky. I never had a girlfriend in high school & part of college. I was always the designated driver or the nice guy. It wasn't until I started bodybuilding that women started noticing me. These days, I'm not as well built but I've made up for it with confidence, brains, & good teeth :) I enjoy reading blogs but only because they give me ideas for the next opportunities that come my way.
     I tend not to live my life through others any more. I'm at an age where if I want something, I just go & get it. You realize that life is short & there's a definite time limit on it. You just don't get to know when your limit is up, unless you're either on death row or decide to end your life yourself.
     Go for what's yours. Live your own desires & fantasies. Then, hopefully you'll be giving me more ideas.
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