Saturday, February 20, 2010


Tiger WoodsImage via Wikipedia
     Yesterday, we were all treated to nonstop coverage of Tiger Woods's statement. My question is why? I mean, who the fuck really cares? Actually, who the fuck SHOULD really care? This has always been a private matter between him, his family, & maybe his sponsors but that's it. We really didn't need to be treated to another round of this media circus.
     The local radio station went & interviewed people at a golf course. First off, what are you doing at a golf course in the middle of winter where there's snow on the ground? Second, who cares what golfers think, especially hacks in Jersey?
     We were also treated to a press conference from one of the women who Tiger slept with. This former porn star wants a public apology from Tiger. I'm sorry, what? Lady, you knew he was married when you fucked him. Now, you want an apology for it? You didn't get enough of your 15 minutes of fame? You need a big payday now? Sad. Truly sad.
     Maybe we all need to look at Tiger in order to make ourselves feel better about our lives. As for me, I have a life. I don't need to look at others to prop mine up. I just wish other people felt the same.
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