Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stephen Ireland loves Manchester United!!!

Footballer Stephen Ireland bought partner Jessica Lawlor a £260,000 Bentley for her birthday last October, decked out in the red and white colours of opponents Manchester United.(

But it seems he has had seconds thoughts already, and splashed out another £30,000 to have the GTC soft top touched up with a matt black bonnet and a new black roof.( that match the colours of Juventus....but that's ok)

The 23-year old Irish midfielder, who bought Jessica the car for her 24th birthday, earns £70,000 a week, but it seems he has more money than sense.

After all, it's not the first time he's had a car customised in his rival team colours. He initially did up his £97,000 Audi R8 in red and white, before spending £10,000 re-customising the luxury vehicle to City blue and white instead. One thing for sure, Ireland's favourite colours- red + white, but was FORCED to change to others because of club rivalries.

Ireland clocked up at least £8,000 in upgrade costs on Jessica's Bentley last October, which now proudly shares the driveway with his fleet of flamboyant motors at their £5m home in Cheshire.

" At least £1,000 was spent to change the Bentley's B winged insignia to Jessica's initals JL".

A further £5,000 went on modified bright red alloy wheels rims has Jessica's initials. Keeping my fingers cross- Stephen Ireland to Manchester United FC..That's not totally out of the bracket though..

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