Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We'd like to send Jasmine Skyward at SL Porn Tube huge congratulations today. As the site passed the big mile stone of 500 videos uploaded.

It did so much to revive the SL Porn scene in 2011, coming to the fore after a few set backs to our scene saw a slow down in productions and left some producers looking for a home for their projects. Jasmine has not only provided this home for over 500 movies now, but also has made it possible for many to re release their projects in better quality with higher size limits than many producers had before.

Including aspects such as Twitter on the front page, has also made the web site feel part of the community to those producers following @SLpornTube. So give that link a click and follow the new releases and movie news on your Twitter!

A recent upgrade to the servers also See's SL Porn Tube geared up and ready to accept the next 500 video's with even faster upload speeds.

Congrats Jasmine, and Thank you. From the whole of SL Porn scene!

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