Thursday, July 14, 2011


Congratulations to our friends at DIRTY TALK for being one of the 50 Most Popular sims in Second Life
The great SL reporter Hamlet Au put up a list of the 50 most popular sims in Second Life for June.

Congratulations to our friends at DIRTY TALK for making the list!!!!

I also thought it was interesting that 44 of the Top 50 were either MATURE or ADULT sims.
And that ADULT sims were about 3 times more popular than PG ones.

Hope the Lindens get that message.

You can read all 50 sims and Hamlet's report after the jump!!

Top 50 Popular Second Life Sims for June 2011

by James Wagner Au (Hamlet Au)
Top June 2011 Second Life sims
Courtesy Louis Platini's Metaverse Business, a Second Life analytics company that gathers publicly accessible in-world data for its clients, here's the top 50 most popular sims in Second Life for June 2011, listed according their average visitor count, the unique visitor range at any given period, and the sim's rank the previous month. New sims to the top 50 include Golgothica, Bloodmoon Island, RoYaL LiFe 1Zapp, and Exquisite Beach, but as with previous months (and years), the top 50 has remained relatively static, and overwhelmingly dominated by social, 3D chat hangout areas, with a few Adult-rated porn and fantasy/goth/sci-fi roleplay areas in the mix.
Top 26-50 after the break:

Top June 2011 Second Life sims 2

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