Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The Plumber - By Allison Weaver

A new arrival on the SL Porn scene might think it's all about the movies. Getting a part in one, making one, or becoming a top actress or actor. However RL Porn is dominated by photography, and so is SL Porn. Blogging among members of the scene, also Flickr pages, and Inferno is full of great examples of creativity and the hottest erotic art.

The Sexiest pics on this blog are a great example if you needed any proof!

Allison Weaver is a great example of somebody out there creating and delivering us way more than just a quick snapshot on a beach some place. She's set to become a top name in SL Porn by taking things into her own hands ( quite literally in some of these pictures. ) and creating her own unique projects.

Her quite amazing and very professional Comic books, or Graphic novels, all created from SL photography. Tell a hot, fun story and are a great innovation. Showing everybody waiting to do a movie, the full range of this SL porn scene. The sky really is the limit if you throw in some creative thinking.

I loved Aurora Bentham's comic books from some time back, so i was really happy to see these on Allison's Flickr pages. Congrats on a awesome job. Please give us more!

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